Easter Ornaments for Passion Week
When is Passion Week? It begins Palm Sunday and ends Resurrection Sunday --- that's an 8 day week!
This set includes 12 hand-crafted felt ornaments embellished with beads and sequins and a list for daily scripture reading for years of use.
Ornament themes listing, scripture readings, and symbols:
Day 1 - Palm Sunday/Triumphant Entry - Matthew 21:1-11
symbol: donkey and palm branch
Day 2 - Alabaster Box/Mary Annointing Jesus' Feet - Matthew 26:6-13
symbol: alabaster box
Day 3 - Last Supper/Bread & Cup - Matthew 26:17-29
symbol: cup of wine with unleavened bread
Day 4 - Jesus Washes Disciples' Feet - John 13:3-20
symbol: pitcher and bowl with water
Day 5 - Arrest in The Garden - Matthew 26:47-56
symbol: sword/dagger
Day 6 - Crucifixion - Matthew 27:33-44; John 1:29
symbol: cross and lamb
Day 7 - Prophecy of Three Days Buried - Matthew 12:40
symbol: whale
Day 8 - Resurrection Sunday - Matthew 28:1-10
symbol: empty tomb
Please visit my Etsy shop, Pink Scissors Design, to order your set today!
Do you know I've never been on etsy.com? I'm clearly the only one! Very cool that we're talking about Easter already. I can't believe it's come around so sooner. This year is just flying by!